Powered by using our top engineering tatent and best engineering services.
KOIN JAYA will take the lead in maximzing customer value.
Based upon its technical know how and experience we have accumulated over the years, the member of company is able to built the Total Engineering process ranging from design to procurement, manufacturing and construction.
This has decided to challenge to expand business area to include the green growth business like solar system and WTE and Oil& Gas as well as Steel facilities, Material handling facifacilities, Harbor facilities, Logisticsfacilities and Machinery Manufacturing.
Ultimately, KOIN JAYA will grow into a heavy industry company equipped with both engineering and equipment manufacturing know how.
Since we have outstanding design and PM(Project Manager) Manpwoer and Excellent partners in Korea, Indonesia, and Vietnam, We will always meet a given contstruction schedule so that we will contribute to the improvement of our's cusomters' satisfaction and need.